Helping Hands Pantry welcomes community service hours. Your hours will need to be completed at the warehouse.
**IMPORTANT NOTE** You will need to complete your hours at least 72 hours before you need the proof/verification of your hours. If you need the original/hard copy we suggest completing your hours at least 7 days before you need the completed paperwork returned, and you will need to provide a self-addressed stamped envelope when you turn in your paperwork.
For the Warehouse
You will need to keep track of your own hours, and log in and out using the computer in our office, and when you have completed your hours, you need to completely fill out your paperwork, including your email on the paperwork, and place the paperwork into the drop box next to the check-in computer marked for that purpose. Your hours will be verified and the paperwork signed and emailed to you within 72 hours. If you wish to get the hard copy/original you will need to turn in a self-addressed stamped envelope with your paperwork.
The warehouse is open 4 days a week between the hours of 7 am and Noon Sunday-Wednesday (Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays Closed), but on major holidays we do try to get out before noon and are closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day
You do not need to apply or schedule your time; just come in and help for whatever time you have available. The address is 2205 S. Artesia St., San Bernardino, CA 92408. This is at the east end of Caroline in the warehouse with the yellow gate.
When you get here, just clock in on the computer in the front office and then go back into the warehouse, where you will be put to work. When you are done, clock out the same way that you clocked in. When you have completed your hours, fill out the form from your organization with your information and put your completed form into the dropbox by the computer labeled for community service paperwork (make sure your email is on the form).
The work you will be doing at this location is primarily sorting and packing food and other items for those in need, and always some to a lot of cleanup. If no one is immediately available to give you direction, please feel free to join in with any of the work that is being done either in the warehouse or in the area outside/behind the warehouse.
Click here for Volunteer Terms and Conditions
Court-Ordered Service
If you are doing court-ordered community service go to: to see if your service qualifies and for more information.